Enter Carlos’s Spiritual Awakening Experience.

Carlos is a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner.
He is also a Grand Source Faith Healer.

I have personally mentored Carlos in the Healing Arts.
I have watched as he has blossomed into an excellent energy healer.

His methods are his own.
The results speak for themselves.

These are his stories.

Part 2 – Carlos’s First Healing Breakthrough

What a breakthrough!!

A good friend of mine contacted me, he was feeling extremely out of it because his father passed away and wanted just a pick me up and to balance his energy. So I agreed to meet up, but a little about him.

He does side gigs for movie and tv back up extra roles. He always had a lack of confidence because he used his lack of hearing as an excuse and wore hearing aids all the time, for almost 10 years now.

I use the word “wore” because something extraordinary happened during my session.

I met him and started the healing right away. I asked if I can help him with his self-esteem situation. I thought it was going to be linked to his depression because of his dads passing, just bring up his spirits and help be more at peace.

I was concentrating on his heart chakra, but he starts telling me during the process, “Whatever you are doing I feel a warm spiral vibration energy coming from my heart and it’s going to my ears.

So I go with instinct and move my hands over his ears and ask him to remove his hearing aids, meanwhile, the vibration gets stronger. His ears get hot and all of a sudden he starts feeling crackling sounds in both ears.
He responds, It almost feels like you are giving me a tune-up.

After an hour and a half, I was guided to end the healing. He gets up stretches and talks but it got quiet really quick, I was confused.

He stares at me with confusion, eyes watery, “What is going on? I’m confused thinking something happened. Carlos!! This is the first time I am hearing an echo in my apartment.”

A few minutes later, the train passes by.
“I am hearing the train better and clearer than when I had my hearing aids on.”

He is still confused and excited, “Now this is a big test,” he told me.
He goes to his tv with his hearing aids, and he heard the tv at a comfortable 28 volume. I asked him not to look at how high the volume is, just stop where you can hear it comfortably.

The volume was at 9 when he started to hear the sound.

YES!! 9, the same volume as the 28 with his hearing aids on!!!
So I wanted to share this with you, anything can happen. I believed in myself and the best part my client did too. Unite in energy and magic can happen.

Some say wow, it’s a miracle what you did, call it whatever you want. I love what I do and all that matters is helping and making others feel better about themselves. Regardless of how small or big the situation is.

You, as a healer, are making someone else feel better about themselves.

Love is the answer.

The best advice I can give you to improve is to start loving yourself more and more.

You are healing and helping everyone else around you.


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