As I have seen a big number of posts regarding this matter, I thought I’d open the floor for questions and thoughts regarding my particular set of experiences, wisdom, and knowledge I have known as perceptions of other realities or alternate timelines.

As I know of these events, some spiritual in nature, some not, they can happen to anyone. Most often people see things like alternate memories as a day-dream and think nothing of how they get frequent Deja Vu.

A rapidly growing number of people are beginning to see this much differently. Some are beginning to understand these features of our perception and others, known to some as ascension symptoms, as a way that we are becoming more sensitive to parallel worlds and other realities.

Alternate Realities, Timelines, and Individual Thought Collectives

As we understand things, the Universe could be both split and layered to have multiple parallel realities that can split up depending on your choices. We as a universal collective are beginning to understand that we can connect to other aspects of consciousness, and even receive intuitive guidance that can be anywhere from irrelevant to extremely helpful.

These projections of self, and how I personally have known to interact with them are what I consider my ‘Cluster’ or grouping of realities.

I believe that if we were able to access all aspects of our timeline at the same time and all the time (past, present, and future), then time as we know it could collapse as it wouldn’t be needed. Currently, I have only been able to connect to consciousness that is most relevant or similar to what I am able to perceive in my world.

Almost like a custom tv that suggests shows based on what you’ve experienced in life rather than preference.

In a micro-macro thought, it could also be referred to as your timeline’s ID (conscious/known inheritance) or Super ID (subconscious/unknown inheritance).

From my personal experiences, I’ve noted that these two parts can also reflect aspects of self that can complement one another. In other words, the timelines that are easiest to communicate with or ‘borrow’ from.

To borrow exclusively from another timeline generally has its own balance, but that balance may not come without caution or consequence.

At large, the Individual Collective Consciousness is what I consider to be much like the many rings of the Flower of Life. Each ring embodies an aspect of your soul, they all in a way are then able to affect an adjacent timeline.

I will expand more on this topic in the future, but for now, I will leave it at this explanation.

When it comes to how you feel about perceptions such as these and their connection, it is largely up to the individual. After all, it’s possible to have a life based on terms that may either encourage or discourage these types of thoughts naturally. This could be because of a blockage or unnatural resistance, but only you can truly know if thinking in this way would complicate matters.

It is always my sincere advice to be certain of what you want to channel or commune with. Once you’ve connected, make sure that is of your chosen alignment (such as full Light), and able to work towards your highest good or best intention.

If you would like to receive coaching for psychic readings, channeling, developing your intuition, or something else, contact me for a free chat to see how I can help you.

While some information can be considered vital to your growth, others can be rather misleading or misconstrued based on the perception of the altered self and their experiences. There may be no harm inherent unless carried out, this is a risk and should be respected as such.

As for the events that I feel can most generally call awareness of your cluster, they are the following:

An extreme physical/mental/emotional event that caused you to look beyond your own thoughts and mind for help or assistance. 

I have found that when I was most troubled is when my subconscious would ping the members of my cluster for assistance, almost like a distress beacon.

A few moments later, I begin to see things happening, like probabilities or building blocks. When I see something I like or resonate within my mind’s eye, I remember it to use at that moment or when it will be needed.

A sequence of events that somehow had caused you to expand your perception beyond normal means, such as a constant nagging to do things differently.

When I first discovered my cluster, it was a bit by mistake. What I initially thought was just intuitive guidance felt way too familiar. Like I’d done parts of it before somewhere. Over time these feelings became more of a type of spiritual awareness until finally, it was a knowing or sensation. As I grew more aware of how to shape my thoughts around the events, I would get more accurate guidance and use what guidance I resonated with for the needed outcome.

An alternate memory of something happening differently that felt more intense than a daydream. This alternate memory may also feel difficult to let go or release despite your connection to it.

There is a chance that this thought or event manifested differently on another timeline and is causing a member of your cluster stress enough for them to reach out in distressful thought, or inquire consciously/subconsciously.

Some aspects of self may never know or experience what you have gone through, but can nevertheless reach out. This is more likely to happen without them knowing if you have no direct knowledge of this yourself.

An interference with your ability to channel, a change in your third-eye (spiritual perception), or rapid shift in your vibration.

As you enhance your psychic perceptions and ability to perceive things outside of yourself in the physical world, you may begin to notice experiences like these become simpler to notice or even grasp.

Trust in this inner guidance if you have it, and if you wish to learn more, allow for the thought to take you where your answers may be.

Having experienced multiple events like this throughout my life, what began as loose guidance, perception/memory of other events, spiritual chatter, and less than recognizable witticisms would eventually become something far greater. It was almost like I needed to experience this in pieces so that I wouldn’t lose myself while grasping the whole.

This part of my spiritual journey has been an amazing experience that I’m surprised to see more people going through.

What kind of experiences have you had that sound like this?

Do you believe in something like this yourself?

Finally, if you have any questions about my own experiences, please feel free to do so in the comments below.

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Love and Light


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