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What is your next big step with developing yourself and your spiritual practice?

For me, it was looking for a way to help others discover Spirit and find their Light.

This was the major goal I had for myself when I started this path. For me, that meant learning how to push through everything that had broken me down before. A way to heal and use my experiences to help others heal.


For those of you who have been curious about who I am behind the screen or speakers, let me take a moment to introduce myself. I do this in hopes to inspire others to do the same.

“Beginning my journey in spirit from a young age, I’ve always dedicated myself to furthering my studies for the purpose of helping others develop in spirit. This path would not be trekked easily though, and definitely not without hardship or sacrifice.

I would experience many lessons during early life that would shape me into someone capable of compassionate leadership and grace. I was commonly misunderstood by my peers for having a different view of the world. I would befriend people from various walks of life, speaking what wisdom was gifted to me by Source to anyone who would hear me.

While this got me far more attention that I would have liked (being called weird, being shunned and outcast from the ‘popular crowd,’ even being bullied and neglected by my peers), it also granted me valuable experience in public relations. 

My beliefs in a broader spectrum of thought and existence were one that would be wrought with mixed understanding. Put simply, the kids my age just didn’t get me, and those who did had no idea what to do with me because of how old I was.

I had the air of a philosopher by age 12 and was quickly aspiring to be a great counselor or psychologist by the time I finished high school. I studied Psychology at Delaware State University because I believed that by understanding the mind, I would be able to help others unlock their potential to develop within Spirit. This would only be one aspect of my path, however.

Months into my college career, I would develop serious issues with anxiety and fatigue that would force me to leave my studies prematurely. Lost, and without that greater knowledge I sought to help others on a deeper level, I began to grow tired of the place I once called home. It just didn’t sit right with me to stay there and allow myself to slowly deteriorate as I pondered the trials and tribulations that brought me to that point.

Instead, I looked towards developing the mental discipline and leadership skills in a way that I felt only the military could provide. I knew that this was my way of meeting an end that constantly seemed to elude me. Before shipping out to Basic Training for the United States Air Force,  I would be guided to meet the first of many spiritual mentors who would lead me to a fated meeting with my first Reiki Teacher during a weekend event in Pennsylvania.

I was introduced to Reiki in a way that was so elegant and simple that it quickly attracted my attention. It would be during my attunement to Reiki, that I was granted a vision of my future within its Light. I would stay in the Air Force for a short time before falling victim to more health issues. This time depression would accompany the anxiety and fatigue I had hoped were long-gone.

At the time, I had no major support network. I was away from all that I once knew, and many things had changed within me during my service. I realized that I knew nothing of who I was anymore or why I was even on my path anymore. I was truly in the wilderness of my mind, grasping at whatever I could to hold onto my life.

Fallen, and feeling hopeless, it would be the call of Spirit that would reignite my desire to continue to push forward. It showed me in ways that one day I would be shown an even greater Light, and that I would stand stronger than I had ever been before. That I would begin in full force, the path from the vision. I knew little of the miracles of Reiki at the time, but I felt a pull to continue walking down that path.

In my heart, I felt that it would be my compassion for others that would grant me my greatest healing and help me release this doubt and worry. I would spend quite some time in Texas shortly after leaving the military.

It would be there that I would begin recovering my facilities, learning what I could about Reiki and the old ways of Spirit, as well as receiving my attunement to Reiki 2. I was attuned to the level of Reiki Master for the first time in September of 2014 after a major shift would guide me from Texas, back to my home in Delaware, to Montana on what would be a great trip, and finally to Colorado.

I received my attunement through a video by Steve Murray as quite some time had passed since I had found a Master to train me, but the call of Spirit is ever persistent. I had already begun to feel stronger, but I feared the opinions of my peers for “taking the quick path to mastery.” So I would keep this accomplishment to myself until I felt unequivocally that I had indeed achieved a state of mastery with myself.

I studied diligently from that point on, reading, watching, and practicing Reiki whenever I could. Being attuned to the various levels again by different Masters as my spirit felt was necessary. It would be July of 2016, after a second Master attunement from my current Reiki Master, as well as a third attunement performed by myself and the Deva of Reiki in meditation, that I would feel a sense of completion with my initial training with Reiki.

To me, mastery is simply a completed step on the path to deeper understanding. Days after receiving my final attunement, I would begin to be gifted with the knowledge of healing and practice during my meditations, that I now refer to as Hakuyama (Spacial Cleansing) Reiki.

I’ve been a Reiki practitioner now for over 9 years. From humble beginnings in a campground in Pennsylvania to the many opportunities placing me in several different states across much of the United States, I am known to have worn quite a number of different hats. Now I move for the guidance and well-being of others as well as the development of the Light that lives within us all.”


I am also a Healing Minister as you all know. I received my credentials through the Universal Life Church in Modesto, California. This title and what it carries has left me feeling in somewhat of a vulnerable position compared to other practitioners of my kind.

I have found it pretty difficult to put both of our feet on the table, lean back into the couch, and just RELAX.

Being yourself as a minister, your true self, is one of the hardest things for some of us to do. To bare yourself, in all of your essences, to an entire crowd of people who rely on your words and even actions to some degree is not only an extremely difficult challenge, yet it’s also why some don’t last very long in my profession.

In trying to be the ‘ideal’ Minister, I felt that I must constantly be aware of myself and who I portray myself to be. Over time, I’ve found this very taxing. It’s why a while ago in a conversation with a respected peer, I decided that it was best to drop this idea of being the ‘ideal’ Minister, and just be myself at all times.

It is this type of dogma that I personally want to transmute by writing this blog and sharing my story. I want to show you all how to be yourselves while continuing to grow as Lightworkers and Healers.

So allow for me to speak to you all in a manner most consistent with who I am on the inside; A dude.

A blade of grass in this massive world that exists not only for my own aims, but to be a part of the collective. To be one with ALL of existence. How does one do this most simply, but by simply being what I have always been? A dude.

I don’t want to bore any of you with poetic rhetoric or even uncommon dialogue, so let me speak simply.

The moment when you realize that you can be EXACTLY who you are when you are with friends and family, in front of those we call our Soul Tribe of Lightworkers, or even the general public AND continue to work in a manner consistent in the Light, that’s when true progress can be made with standing in your full power.

Now some of you may think that this is a tall order, something too difficult to accomplish because of one reason or another. Today, I’m here to tell you that YOU CAN!


Light And Dark:

When we think about these aspects exclusively, there’s going to be separation, anxiety, maybe even resentment or guilt. Why is that?

Why are these two concepts so foreign to each other, and yet so necessary for each other to exist in their greatest respects? This is because of something called cognitive dissonance.

Cognitive dissonance is when there are inconsistent thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs. Basically, everything that causes us to believe that something is foreign, different, or even unique in its own respect. It’s our perceptions at this point that make these things so abstract as they begin to relate.

We simply don’t want to admit that not only do we need light to be light because of dark, but the opposite holds true as well. We need dark to be dark because of light.

When you are in the grocery store, are you not looking for the best experience ever?

On the shelves, you notice all kinds of lights and darks. ‘Bad foods,’ ‘good foods,’ fruits, snacks, even those things in between like over the counter medicine.

Some of these things may be completely unnecessary for your growth and development as a person, but let me ask you this? Would you have noticed all of those ‘bad’ or ‘good’ things had they not taught you something valuable to think of them like that?

We need our bad ‘apples’ just as much as our good ones. We need our multivitamins just as much as we need the money we save by buying them instead of the fruit and vegetables that they’re based around.

If we stop looking at the groceries for a second and start looking onto ourselves, we’ll notice that sometimes you’re angry at the person teaching you a valuable lesson the hard way (as universally prescribed), and sometimes we are ourselves that ‘bad’ person teaching someone else out of Love.

Being a Lightworker doesn’t have to mean being holier-than-thou at all times, some Lightworkers understand this and are very quick to tell you exactly what’s on the 11 o’clock news regarding your life and situation.

It’s all about a choice. It’s all about serenity; Serenity in making the choices we make on a moment to moment basis.

Found this message helpful? Like my story? Feel free to tell me about your thoughts in the comments below.

Love and Light



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