Our personal power, in all its glory, can come from a variety of places and manifest itself in a variety of ways….

We’re all familiar with the term inner fire or personal power. That amazing feeling of having it all together; like we’re on top of the world and nothing can stop us. Well, what happens when life circumstances diminish this power?


What happens when we lose sight of how to get it back?

As we involve ourselves in many endeavors, tackling this mystique of existence, there is a common understanding that sometimes things just happen.

Sometimes, these things are unavoidable, and cannot be solved normally. During these times, our power is taxed. Utilized through any potential way possible to further our goals and aims.

After some time, and many things manifesting themselves in our lives as hurdles or obstacles, we are brought to an unforeseeable inevitability. That at some point, our personal power will wane to a point where our only decision throughout the day is to simply BE.

Lighted Matchstick on Brown Wooden Surface

In earnest, this is not so bad of a place. It is here that we are current with our Understanding. of whatever situation we may find ourselves in. We are within a pocket of time.

This time exists as much mentally as it does physically. It is our home of deep thought and contemplation, our sanctum where we become hardened to everything else around us.

This means of protection must be temporary however, as it takes much power to maintain it and if we do not face our problems and begin to walk outside of this plane of thought, we will quickly become sapped of all energy and life can soon become rather meaningless to continue living.


After all, who in their proper way of thinking simply wishes to live their days waking, walking, and sleeping?


So, what happens when you’re stuck? What happens when you simply cannot leave this place that was once a sanctum to pool your thoughts and ideas safely? This is when it is time to seek a power greater than yourself.

If you are unable to walk in your personal power by yourself, you will need the help of another to pull you out of your place of comfort and into a place of non-ordinary reality.

This reality is where will is dominant and your thoughts don’t just become your reality, they ARE your reality. From this place, it is possible to heal personal power and rise again to meet vibrations with your higher self.


Perhaps within your sanctum, you held big ideas for your future that you feel are far from becoming reality. Perhaps in this space, you decided to hide from what was facing you until you were ready to challenge and defeat it. These things matter little when your power is all but used up, and many things know this.

This is why energy management is paramount.

This is why we eat, sleep, and exercise.

Brown Bird on the Tree Branch

Constant vigilance and maintenance of your energy is key to learning to master how and when to utilize the fullest extents of your personal power. Without the wisdom of these ideals, it will be very difficult to conquer your obstacles and rise to your fullest potential.

Just for today, take inventory of yourself for all that taxes your personal power and assess whether or not you are able to manage yourself properly. If not, then it is simply time to seek help.

If you choose to remain in this space for too long, there is a chance that you will not only fall victim to illness, but there is an even more ominous possibility of you permanently losing your connection to your personal power.

Tread wisely, and walk with bare feet on the warm and giving Earth.

Ever pressing… Ever flowing…




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