Spiritual Guidance

A Blog Series By:

Reiki Reverend, Ph.D.

I’ll be giving in-depth yet light-hearted spiritual guidance, spiritual counseling, and a way for you to enhance your spiritual awakening.

In this article, we’ll be exploring how to remove negative entities or negative energies from your body and space.

[Feel Free to Scroll Down For The Video]

(Note: I use the terms Negative/Harmful/Unclean Entity or Spirit interchangeably. This is done on purpose as I understand these terms to have the same root or meaning.)

Negative entity removal can be a mix of experiences, both simple and very difficult.

What helps most with the process of removing a harmful or negative entity is the individual performing the negative entity removal, the process they use, and the forces they choose to work with.

The process, simply put, implies that you would be using your energy, the energy of the forces at work for you, or a combination of both to act against what could be known as the intentions of the energies at work against you that have been known as negative or harmful.

In other words, your intentions to act for your best interest will likely work against the intentions of another.

From that point moving forward, it is a conflict of realities or a battle of wills that may decide how the rest of the removal process goes.

Most practitioners call or use powers outside of themselves when removing negative entities. This assistance is what generally acts against the intentions of the entity.

If you are ever in doubt or feel unable to assert yourself against what you feel in an entity, call in for divine assistance or help from a power greater than yourself.

Conflict of Realities

I want to take a moment to talk about the conflict of realities that occurs naturally within our universe.

The basic premise is as such: “A given reality is inversely affected (or divided) by the realities that work against it.”

Have you ever been great at something only to fail at it in the face of adversity? Your will was inversely affected, divided, by the realities of your peers. Put simply, the people around you who believed that you would fail were inadvertently working against you.

Their beliefs in your failure were too strong for your beliefs in your success to remain firm. Thus, your confidence may have wavered. You may have felt weaker than you were when you were practicing by yourself.

The alternative can also hold true, however. Those around you with beliefs in your success can boost your resolve and help you manifest great success.

This is why it’s a best practice to utilize whatever tools or forces that would work with you before engaging with the entity.

This brings me to the set-up.

Are you confident in your resolve, will, or reason for removing those energies or entities? If not, you will find any technique I would teach you to be challenging to administer or practice.

Feeling “weak at the knees” is a common symptom of the entity having a good amount of control over your thoughts and facilities. However, do NOT lose heart.

This is also indicative of an entity who is operatively working against you to prevent you from feeling as if you have any chance of removing it. This is also similar when it comes to a space that is holding negative energies. You will simply know when you’ve upset the ‘balance’ or made the entity fearful.

Remember, anything with consciousness can and will experience fear. They may simply choose to deal with that fear in a way that conflicts with your ideas of an ideal response (i.e. leaving peacefully).

One of the most important things to note here is this feeling. If you know they are aware of their imminent removal, prepare for anything and everything to happen to prevent it. Even from outside.

Before I begin sharing my technique for negative entity removal, I want you to have complete confidence if you are attempting any of these workings yourself. Please don’t hesitate to call upon the Angels, Archangels, etc. in your time of need. They are there to help you and ensure your safety.

Please Do NOT Skip This Step.

Ground and Center

Grounding is important. It’s what will keep you firm in your will, ease your mind and body of any tension, and allow for the real work to happen with minimal effort. You may choose to do so by meditating, listening to some good music (of your choosing), or even just taking a few breaths to collect yourself.

Prayer of Invocation/Evocation of Light and Protection

Any appropriate prayer can be applied here. However you choose to do this so is up to you, but before you begin to work on removing the entity you will want to attune with and invoke Light energy. Feel that Light moving from the celestial heavens, down into your body and chakras.

Filling yourself up with breaths of Love.

At this time, you may also call in the Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides, Ancestral Spirits, Devas, Deities (or God/Goddess of your choosing), and any other entity of full Love and Light that wish to be a part of this to make themselves known and be with you.
Once you’ve accomplished this, then you will be ready to begin.

The Entity Removal Procedure

First, you’ll want to begin filling the body (or space) with Love and Light. As you do this, you will begin to receive feedback. This feedback will be a great way to tell how difficult a certain entity will be to remove.

If you experience any ‘bad feelings,’ such as nausea, sickness fatigue, anger, depression, etc, it is suggested that you proceed with caution. If you start feeling better as you fill your body or the space with Light, then you should be able to proceed with minimal effort.

Continue channeling Light, saying prayers, and calling upon the angels until you feel the effects of the energy or entity dull, close, or stop. At this point, you may simply request for the entity or energy to find the Light or leave the space in perfect Love and perfect Trust that it shall not return.

Closing and Grounding

Close your session by thanking the Angels and other entities that were responsible for assisting you, asking for those who wish to stay to continue their work, and bidding the rest farewell.

Then, apply additional/supplemental treatments to the body or space as necessary.

Saging, salt baths, and the like can be perfect ways to not only apply additional cleansing and protection as needed, but they can also serve to help ground after the session.

Grounding is important because it helps to clear yourself of any excess negativity that may have chosen to either remain or attach itself. By grounding, you are returning the energies used or transmuted back into the earth to find the Light. In return, you are renewing yourself for the rest of your day.

It is important to note that while some negative entities are rather stubborn and may require additional sessions or assistance with a session, these techniques should act as a stable guide to help with your workings.

If you would like help with adapting any of these techniques or even if you would like for me to see to your clearing personally, consultations are always free, and I’m happy to aid and assist.

I wish you the best with your workings moving forward, and I pray that these words help you find peace.

Love and Light

Did this work for you? Do you have anything to add?

Tips and tricks are welcome, but please do so in full Love and Light

1 Comment
  1. Griff 6 years ago

    Wonderful. Thank you.

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