An illusion is a perception that translates as an error in judgment from your senses or even something that is likely to be inaccurately assessed by the senses.

At first glance, an illusion can seem straightforward. Just a misinterpretation or misconception of the senses. The fun comes when we attempt to isolate the illusion to a specific form or group of forms that it can encompass.

Everyone is familiar with how the illusion of an oasis works.

From a distance, it may be very easy to think that the oasis in the desert is real, but at any point on the approach, the mirage will fade and reveal nothing but sand.



Well, what about those times where this isn’t the case, and where does conscious creation come into this?

If we can fathom the oasis, then why can’t we fully manifest it? And if an oasis like that can trick the senses into thinking it’s real, then what makes this world so real?

These answers are simple, at least at first. When we want something badly enough, we can create it.

Even if it’s just in our minds.

Now, what if I told you that sometimes, just sometimes, that thing we want badly enough can activate the senses in the same manner as the ‘real’ thing. That your experiences in this situation, then become a bit more real. Where’s the line between what’s real for that person versus the global perception of reality?


“The only thing that will always remain true for an illusion is your faith, or lack thereof, in its ability to manifest as reality. Write this down in your mind and save it. “

When the lines that form these borders begin to fade, there is no difference aside from faith. At this point, if there is an illusion of something you want in your life that’s not able to manifest into reality, it’s time to start asking yourself some questions.


“Why, how, and when? Why am I unable to manifest what I want, how am I going to change this, and finally, when am I going to start?”

I’ll tell you why these questions are so important.

When we look into what we’re trying to manifest, is it for selfish gain?

Are we really going to take that huge chunk of our first big manifestation of abundance and share it with the world?

What is it all REALLY going to be used for?

How then, are we going to rephrase or re-frame that message to the universe to really make it happen in the best way possible, for all of us to enjoy?

After all, we all know that one trick to manifestation is that if we allow for ourselves to be in a place of giving that abundance or giving back what we can of what we wish to manifest, then we’ll constantly receive it to give back to others.

To wrap things up, I want to speak briefly on when to start WORKING towards what we’re trying to manifest.

In an “I’ll do it tomorrow” kind of world, we need to be perceptive of what we’re doing at all times to manifest what we’re trying to work towards.

The operative word is work.

Now for some, there is not much that really can be done but to allow for time and space to meet. However, I caution those of you who may believe that you’re in this category against such thinking.

Not doing anything, not even thinking about doing anything, can hinder down your ability to manifest by a great deal.

Imagine your fortune, right behind a door that you just need to open. Note the syntax. At no point did I mention you not doing anything to receive. More to the point I’m trying to make, this is the closest I feel anyone should get to not doing anything.

Have you ever posted a message stating, “Willing to receive 1 million dollars,” and actually expected it?

All elements of manifestation are vital to the manifestation. It’s only as strong as its weakest links.

If you wanted 1 million dollars, but you only expected 100 dollars, then it should be simple to fathom why that never happened.

Similarly, if you expected the money, but never worked for it or even did a vision exercise to try and help guide it along to your pocket, then you shouldn’t be too surprised at how much you really end up with.

At the end of the day, these are only things to consider.

Think of this as time spent investing in your future. In that regard, you are indeed working towards your goals. The true key is recognizing what constitutes as work towards your goal and what doesn’t serve you in your goals.

This is the real mystery of an illusion.

And so I leave this message tonight in your hands. After all, it is up to you to determine if what I said is real, or if it’s simply an illusion cast down by your conscious drive to accomplish your goals and succeed.

The answer is up to you.

Tell us about your manifestation stories below, and be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to stay informed of my live podcasts and FB/YouTube videos, and blog posts.

Love and Light


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