Sean Connelly was one of a very unique group of people, who for a number of years dedicated themselves to furthering the awareness and growth of Psionics, or the practice of manipulating matter by mental will. I had been following Psipog since around 2002, and was blessed with the opportunity to interview him by email.

I’ve read many of the articles from psipog, and practiced some the techniques that were shared as I matured on my spiritual journey. The roster of articles included experience journals and methods to understand our psychic connection to others and our world. They spoke of ways to communicate with others and receive information such as telepathy and empathy, ways to prepare the body and mind to explore lucid dreaming and out of body experiences (OBE’s), even dreamwalking. Ways to understand and practice energy manipulation like how to make psi balls, telekinesis, otherwise known as psychokinesis, how to manipulate temperature using pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, and even ways to practice these skills with others to read energy or protect with energetic shielding against psychic attack. Speaking of, Psipog even discussed psychic defense and techniques to protect yourself against the efforts of others.

I spent much of my high school years working on these techniques and others in my free time. I remember being so inspired by just the thought of others outside of shows or movies who were also looking to study and acknowledge the potentials the mind could reach. I was too young to know how big the world really was at the time, so with the marvels of online searches and different forums I was able to connect with people I may never have met otherwise. Even if they never knew who I was or my journey. That’s why websites like Psipog were a blessing for me. I only needed to reach for the knowledge I wanted, there was never much judgment with what I wanted to know that left my desktop computer.

When I had the opportunity to speak with Sean and ask him about his experiences, these were his responses:

How did you first discover psionics, lucid dreaming, and the like?

I was always able to lucid dream… some of my earliest memories of my dreams were lucid.  I became interested in self-hypnosis around age 14 or 15, and the paranormal shortly after that.  This was in the 90’s, and the internet was a lot less organized.  I searched around and found some message boards and went from there.

When did you first start trying to practice, and what did you start with?

I used a guide on the web called Playful Psychic, at the website Active Psy, which now no longer exists.  However, I did include an archive of the website in the ZIP file that also includes PsiPog and A Little Weird.  I recently posted it online, here: — inside that file, there is an activepsy directory.

How long did you practice for before being happy with your results?

Well, I was really never happy with my results :-).  I spent a lot of time trying to spin the pinwheel, and while I noticed movement sometimes, it was never as drastic as I had hoped.  I did spend a lot of time practicing out of body experiences (OBEs), and still have OBEs to this day.  That took around 6 months of training until I had my first one, and years after that to find a reliable method.

How did you encounter the other authors of Psipog, and how did you start working on the website?

We only interacted online.  I met Rainsong and KMiller on the Dimensional Doorways forum, if I recall correctly.  I think I met almost everyone else on PsiPog itself.  I initially started the website as “Psi Ball Station” as a 15 year old, I think.  I changed that website into an article, and gathered some other articles from Rainsong and myself, and started PsiPog with those.

Based on your experiences with the website, would you say that you were able to meet your goals before archiving?

No, not really.  I became too obsessed with it, and wasn’t scientific enough, in my opinion.  It wasn’t healthy for me.

What ever happened to A Little Weird? If memory serves, it was the ‘child’ of Psipog.

You can see for yourself — it’s in the archive ZIP file I posted above.  I spent a lot of time trying to win the lottery, and eventually gave up.  There were a lot of different ideas on the site though… I remember spending a lot of time on intention manifestation.  There was also a forum.

Based on your experiences now vs then, would you have rather published as a website now that the internet has boomed?

I have a website!  My site is :-).  Those are the things I care about now, and what I enjoy sharing.  PsiPog was something I cared a lot about when I was 15-25 or so.

Finally, I’ve really got to know, have you had any new experiences related to psionics, lucid dreaming, astral projection, or anything else that you wish you could have published on Psipog?

No, when I archived the site, I stopped practicing entirely.  As I said, sometimes I still have OBEs, and I lucid dream all the time (though I don’t think that’s paranormal), though I don’t practice at that… it just happens sometimes.

I hope these answers are helpful to you, best of luck!

My experiences practicing the ideas within Psipog’s articles were mild to moderate. Many of my experiences flowed between telepathic communications, playing with my homemade psychic pinwheels (with some success), experiencing some lucid dreaming and astral projection, many successful experiences with sensing emotions and channeling energy for shields, ki-balls, and different applications. I took many of these ideas to other people with good enough success for me to keep a place in my heart for Psipog well into my college years. It was like something had awakened in me and pushed me to continue working with energy and helping others understand how to work with energy better.

For me, it was about expanding myself and my thoughts on what I felt I could affect in my world. I had always felt a deep connection, and I was really learning how to begin testing my those limits in ways that transcend normal thinking. Learning to express myself, and even talk about my experiences, helped me learn how to find balance from the things in my life that made no sense. How to accept my differences as a human being, one who dreams of exploring the boundaries of life by dancing at the seams of the things I could control.

So long as it didn’t hurt anyone, I would spend my evenings practicing what I could find and commit it to practice. Even if it was just in my mind as I read, sometimes it felt a lot like sifting and placing the pieces to a larger puzzle within myself.  Now, my passion for psionics and energy work has evolved into my current career.

Thank you for reading, please subscribe to my blog and give this article a ‘like,’ if you’d enjoy more of these in the future.  Have you ever visited Psipog? What were your experiences like? Leave a comment below, and let us all know. Want to learn more about channeling energy or psychic protection? Contact Me, and I’d be happy to coach you or certify you in one of the healing techniques I offer.

Love and Light Blessings!


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