Life After Reiki 3

So, you’ve “mastered” Reiki and can now consider yourself among those who have demonstrated their understanding of the Reiki Principles and practice either through commitment, discipline, or by simply being a part of Reiki.

What now?

When I tell others that there are many different energy healing techniques aside from Usui Reiki, the responses are mixed between excitement and disbelief. I can go on to say that these techniques also have unique energy and skill levels that can determine what type of technique you heal with, learn, teach, and/or attune to.

Some of these techniques even REQUIRE or advise strongly for students to have a mastery of Reiki in order to pursue in earnest, the prospect of learning past Reiki 3 can seem like a whole new world.

When you place that in the perspective that some energy healing teachers will not recognize lessons from another teacher, the idea of learning other healing techniques could seem rather daunting. Attach this to the ‘internet of things,’ with a flurry of opinions mixed with experience and wisdom, and it’s quite possible that even learning Reiki online may have made it a bit confusing to learn energy healing at all.

The desire to strengthen our capacity to heal is just as inherent as our will to heal ourselves and others. Is it even necessary to learn more healing techniques after Reiki mastery?

First thing’s first…

Let’s address this occasionally popular idea that somehow Reiki may be inferior to other forms of healing. Not only because of its close-minded nature as a premise but also in its logic and rationale.

When we tap into the universal life force, an ever-growing and developing a frame of energy that can work collectively as a mind. To experience the healing from the universal life for with methods like Reiki, the effects can both comfort like a warm embrace, and wash away unclean energy like currents in an ocean.

There is no thought of its limit, there is only the universal life force. When you understand that within each fold of a multiverse, there is still a governing universe, there can be no limit to what was and will inevitably be known as one.

In honesty, any confusion that could be seen lies within the simplicity of Reiki’s technique. It’s lessons gently guide one to understand the universal life force. What it may not do in its finest capacity is help one grasp the many different concepts that can emerge from Reiki’s lessons. I have found that attempting to learn another healing discipline after Reiki is a lot easier to do than before I studied, and once I have learned another technique I have no problems with simply channeling Reiki instead. This Reiki is different however, as it takes on the subtitles of the other technique as well.

Over time as I adapted different healing techniques to my practice, it would help shape what I like to call my “healer’s instincts and logic.” The core elements that allow a healer to channel deep healing sooner. Having a keener insight to work with someone’s concerns and being able to understand a root cause sooner.

Let’s get back to my answer for this burning question. What could you do after Reiki 3?

Well, the answer’s about as simple as being a college graduate after you walk the podium.

Do you remember your reasons for beginning your studies? Some practitioners take years to acquire Reiki 3, if you fall into this category I would suggest looking for anything relevant to your practice in the now while meditating on any ideas you had previously forgotten about.

Notebooks, drawings of the Reiki symbols, anything. Use what you find to start coming up with clues or memories, sometimes working with the materials again can inspire new thoughts as well.

Your next steps can be as simple or as complicated as you want. Do you want professional recognition with a company (such as the IARP or the RHA), or would you prefer to simply start your own company and build your own brand?

Do you want to pursue your studies further, or simply meditate on this amazing achievement in your life?

It may not seem like it, but as a Reiki Master, your options are now more open than they were for practicing in the health and wellness field. Shop around for opportunities that can complement your current career path, or even guide you down a new path. You never know what you may find.

I personally offer courses on various healing modalities to help you expand and develop along your healing journey. Some of them include techniques to complement Reiki like Imara Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Blue Star Celestial Healing, Karuna Ki, and more) . If you have any questions, please leave me a message.

Consultations are always free.

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What was your experience after Reiki 3?

Love and Light


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