The Reiki Flower of Life healing technique was given to me in meditation by Archangel Raphael and Metatron on July 18, 2017. Slightly over one year after I was shown Hakuyama Reiki. A technique that I will share with the world very soon.

This technique uses energetic and healing principals from the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, and the Flower of Life.

When all three are fully channeled with Reiki energy, impeccable shifts begin to happen in the body, mind, and spirit.

As you channel using this healing mantra and technique to align, you may notice a rise in your ki.
As your ki rises, some may notice a stronger flow of healing energy, an acceleration of healing happening from within, In some cases, this manifests as an altered perception of the many ways you may begin or continue to heal.
As this acceleration or altered perception of healing occurs, it begins to expand as well.
In the end, it will bring your healing awareness into the ALL.

Once reaching this form of awareness, you may find more ways to heal a concern than were initially aware to you.

I share this following technique and mantra, as well as any of the higher energies I’ve experienced with you all now in full Love and Light.
May the experiences that follow bring you Peace and Love.

First, ground and center while initiating the channel of Reiki.

Meditate on the Seed of Life, the first emanations.

Intone or chant any name/or title you hold as if you were introducing yourself to the Universe in all of your forms.

Once you feel prepared, speak these affirmations.
Letting each one light a unifying beacon with every being in existence.

“I am all of who I am, their values, and much more.
I am one with the Universe, its principles and guidance.
I am one with the Multiverse as it chooses to work through me for the collective.
I am one with Source as the foundation of my creation and naturally loving being.”

Allow for the experience of these affirmations in the mantra call to your space to awareness as you embrace the Seed of Life, permitting its healing energies and principles to begin working through you in a loving way.

As you do so, direct the channel of these energies to speak or observe any loving affirmation of you have that needs to be reflected more within your Light.

After, meditate briefly on where these energies guide you.

Proceed forward when you are ready to do so.

If you are experiencing bliss and Love, embrace it.

Intend and allow for the Reiki to heal, balance, or activate whatever you feel is needed in the now to complete your goals and progress.

If you are having difficulty feeling comfortable with them, what issues present themselves that currently prevent you from allowing for these energies to work with you?

Perhaps these are areas that require more attention as you continue along your healing journey.

Intend and allow for these energies to now cycle through your cellular body.

For the principles and understanding of the Flower of Life to work through you in a loving way.

Remain present in Reiki as these energies begin to rejuvenate you in mind, body, and spirit. Release all that is no longer needed.

As you begin to feel renewed, allow for the energies to flow outwards as they expand your perception and being further.

Be in this place for a time. At one with the ALL in your world.

Allow for the healing wisdom of the Tree of Life to be present with you in the now.

As you embrace that feeling of oneness, let it grow and expand as well, this time in all directions, ever-expanding your gaze until the whole of the many universes are known to you.

Here are where all outcomes of your dreams are known.

Intend to share Reiki to the outcome(s) that are Loved in the highest good and allow yourself to connect.

When you are ready to return, acknowledge your multidimensional self, and allow for your perception to lovingly return to you in Perfect Trust.

As you do so, you may also thank the Source of your creation for being a part of you 🙂

After experiencing the Reiki Flower of Life, you may have found that you had a profound or unique experience.

Please share that with me in the comments below.

Be sure to fully ground and center with food and drink that resonates well with your path and being.

Thank you all for reading and sharing Reiki with me. If you found this technique helpful, please share it below.

Also, if you are ever in need of a Remote or Distance Reiki Session yourself, feel free to browse my Healing Services.

Love and Light


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