Here, I’ll be sharing some of the many experiences that have helped shape me into who I am today. 

I do so in hopes that some of you will resonate and choose to continue your spiritual paths no matter the struggle or hardship.


There is a great deal that has gone into my spiritual journey.

After a lot of thought, I felt that now was the time to share my journey with you.

As you could read alongside any of my profiles or service descriptions, I am a Healing Minister and Holistic Health, PhD with various psychic skills.

I am attuned and certified to practice and teach over 12 types of energy healing and complementary therapies to aid and assist on your healing journey.

This list includes, but is not limited to Angelic Reiki, Imara Reiki, Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, Maheo’o Reiki, Ama Deus Shamanic Healing, Blue Star Celestial Healing, Golden Triangle, and Karuna Ki.

I am also a certified Chakra Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Angel Therapist and Spiritual Life Coach.

How I received my certification could be considered fairly simple, I studied hard, did the work, and received the accompanying proof. 

How I reached the point in my journey where it became my calling to achieve all that you’ve seen above and more is the interesting part.

I’ve “known,” channeled, studied, and practiced various psychic and mystical arts from a very young age. I recall channeling renowned artists during my art classes, speakers, mentors, and poets for writing, and you can guess the rest.

Over the course of my young adulthood I would begin to study psionics and eventually witchcraft and the occult. During this time, and even a bit before, I started having many different revelations of different lives I had lived in the past.

It was piecing together these layers that would uncover what I was capable of during those lifetimes. In some cases, the techniques were recalled with great detail.

It would be my eventual pursuit, or even calling to remember as much as possible. Releasing karmic contracts and completing different goals from the memories of past lifetimes that had made their way into this present world.

During this pursuit, I would be lead to know spirit guides and beings of various backgrounds and Pantheons. Some in which I continue to work with through to this day.

I began communing with them in the various ways as they would interact with me. It was with their help that I was able to confirm the memories I was experiencing were indeed legitimate. Sometimes through quirky life experiences, other times the messages were more direct and less subtle.

While some of these spirits and other beings served as my guardians, other beings who met me presence could only best be described as negative entities who occasionally made legitimate attempts to harm me or those close to me in mind, body, and spirit.

After all, not many people want to get close to the guy who’s friends with angels, spirits, witches, deities, and demigods. All of which happen to coexist happily around my normal daily life to a certain degree, kept neatly to the realms of my mind. Though I do enjoy occasionally interacting with them vocally, and I would discredit myself to mention the times when I have vocalized for a spirit or being.

By this point, I had achieved such an open channel and comfort with my guides that it just sounded like I was talking to myself in different voices to anyone who didn’t understand.

When I reached my adulthood and have been ‘spirited away’ from college twice, I had no other good option left of me but to seek a military career, I enlisted in 2010. It would be my time in delayed enlistment from 2010-2011 that I would begin to think ill of myself and all I had been through over the years. I did my best to keep it all below the surface and dismiss any ‘foreign’ thoughts before entering the service.

You can imagine what it’s like to be a Warrior on two fronts, but only paying mind to the tangible one. I simply could not handle it after a while, almost as if I was being ripped apart to make a decision or have one made for me. I chose the latter in light of my stubborn nature.

Soon after my military career ended a long story and 4-month “vacation” later, I was left a shell of myself with no spiritual guidance and no will to walk the same path I had been.

I knew something had to change.

When I was able to find a place to stay, I studied Wicca formally within a local coven as a Dedicant while I SLOWLY opened myself back up to Spirit. I had studied psychology for quite some time in college prior to my service, and always wanted to help others develop spiritually, so I figured why not pursue Reiki.

I had already been attuned to Reiki before I enlisted and found the path to be a welcome means of stability with my spiritual lifestyle, away from the chaos of my past.

It would be a few years from that point on I would fully reopen my channel, but this time it was much different. Everything was a lot more intense and I had no desire to access the help I used to have.

After a while, I would find myself under psychic attack A LOT. I knew at that point I would have to remember everything, but this time re-purpose it, give it a better shape.

I had known a lot about fractals, fractal logic, and how they worked from my memories. After a bit of meditation, I began doing more of my spiritual exploration and expansion from within.

I removed a great deal of what kept me hindered by choosing to resonate on higher and higher frequencies. Ever-growing, ever changing, just like a fractal over time.

I realize now that at one point or another, perhaps even in this life at some point that I’ve yet to recall or reach (google casual loop), I manifested a great deal of that as a form of simulation to strengthen myself in a way I couldn’t normally. I thank my experience in the military for that way of thinking.

It would be fair to close at this point by summarizing what all I learned about myself during this time and my experiences.

I learned from experience that I can traverse the realms at will through astral projection. Learning was a simple process once I gave into the idea of not needing to ‘know’ how to get there, but simply BE there.

It is through my travels and intuitive guidance that I found my soul to have a very strong relation to the Greek Pantheon. My soul chooses to resonate most with the God Aesculapius, the Greek God of Medicine and a major component to many of my independent healing works.

Through communing with the Greek Gods, I learned that I am considered to hold domains within both time and space. This was confirmed to through various conflicts and hardships, as well as my understood and implemented solutions to said conflicts and hardships. 

Now, I’m able to scry into other people’s timelines and give readings from the Akashic Records to help sharpen my visions and insights.

My most notable skills, as you can probably assume by now, lie between energy manipulation and intuitive channeling. It’s with us from birth, I just chose to embrace it and ask fewer questions than most I suppose.

I trusted my intuition and spiritual guidance that continues to help me grow and learn even more daily. Now, I pray this story helps you do the same.


Love and Light

In the interest of healing, growth, and expansion in Love and Light, feel free to ask me any questions about my experiences below in the comments, and I’ll do my best to answer.

Thank You For Reading



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