Spiritual Guidance – A Blog Series by: Reiki Reverend, Ph.D.
In-depth yet light-hearted spiritual guidance, general spiritual advice, and discussion based on different ways for you to enrich your spiritual awakening process.
A Lesson on Energy: A Means Past an End
The end, a plane of thought known only to some as the realm in which there is no more.
A place of being that consists of a checkered flag, a handshake, and you guessed it… even more. Sometimes that ‘more’ is a clear next step, other times it can lead to a metaphorical or physical wall. How can you learn to work with your willpower when you are unable to see the next step clearly? You transcend it.
You begin allowing your mind/body/spirit to become more. You train, discipline yourself to understand that no matter what happens to the body, the mind will continue in consciousness through the spirit. This is the core matter of energy.
Energy: Fuel for the fire
The inner fire that kicks up from within us and begins to bellow. Propelling our spirits, and inflating our lives with a bit of hot air and motivation.
This motivation comes from within.
The inner chamber of thought that allows for you to be at your best. Sometimes it takes us knowing about that, “bit more than we think that we have,” to achieve better results. As beings of Source (emanations of the Eagle, children of the Great Spirit, heir of your bloodline), we can do much more than what we allow ourselves to think. This is because we know deep within this realm of thought that we ARE HERE, and will continue to be.
That our powers for growth are limitless, and our consciousness must live on.
Energy: A Source of Power and Triumph
Without this simple guiding line, fueling our very cores from bones to air, our way of life would not exist.
Look within.
You hear that phrase a lot, but what does it really mean?
Well, from the perspective of energy it actually means a lot. We are constantly providing our bodies with energy by eating and even absorbing sunlight to a degree. We are using that energy in many different ways that commonly go unseen or unnoticed. Namely, our abilities to transform or transmute energy into different forms.
Commonly, this could be from solid to liquid or gas, but if you think of it from a different perspective, our abilities to transmute energy also affect our motivation.
With empathy, we are constantly receiving energy from the emotions of others. If we can safely transmute or digest that energy, then it becomes easier to manage. However, by allowing the energies of others to affect our spirits, properly working through the energies may be more difficult.
Normally, we don’t contemplate motivation as a means of transmuting energy. Looking at things differently, motivation is actually one of the strongest forms of potential energy we can acquire with minimal effort. Only thought.
Speaking of thought, there are also multiple ways to look at energy from the mental perspective. There are even natural methods of working with thoughts such as NLP, coaching, and talk therapy.
These are just ways to use our thoughts to better work with our lives and the world. Taking the time to work on yourself in a way that honors your path is the best way to find what works for you. Understanding different ways to progress, and using different ways to achieve that progress are what can provide us with the greatest tools.
For The Best Results, Please Use Responsibly
Too much of anything can quickly sap you of your power, and thus the Bodhi teaches moderation.
This force in which not only grants us life and liberation from an ‘end’ can only stretch as far as we allow.
“When we refuse to take responsibility for our ability(or inability) to commit own energy to actions, we are consciously allowing ourselves to let go of our control over the resolution within ourselves.”
– Reiki Reverend
Consider these questions for insight as you meditate on the quote above:
Did you really need that unhealthy meal to celebrate a workout or healthy choice?
Did you really need to relive the trauma of your past to heal from the karma heal or feel a sense of progress?
‘Some people do have a personal need for this, but in most cases others only need to re-frame and experience or process the events differently.’
Do you have to place others before yourself at all times in order to feel as if you are on your way to success?
Are there things that you practice, or people that you meet within in daily life that you feel should have been released or let go of some time ago?
What is holding you back from either letting these things go or accepting their current place in your life?
Are these things currently taking away your energy or comfort?
Learning how to accept the simple truths or facts within our setbacks or problems can help us develop ways to work with these hardships to transmute them into goals on your path to personal accomplishment. By taking your setbacks and using them to create goals, you can also gain valuable insights by working from a different perspective.
Sometimes this knowledge can lead you to think of how to work to a better outcome, other times it can simply help yourself to work through problems productively or methodically.
Energy For Healing
We can connect to energy without understanding it because of our connection to it as living beings. We are already energy workers in our own respects. To live and breathe, is to understand the essence of Reiki in mind and body. Once aligned in spirit with an attunement, we are able to heal more effectively.
Energy can be thought of as many things, but at the end of the day, it simply IS. We work with it daily even though its inner mysteries continue to elude us.
Energy is known to exist, even though it is not as easy to be fully understood or realized. We KNOW its truth without speaking it, we use it without realizing it. This can also be said of energy healing. While we don’t completely understand its methods scientifically, we are aware of its healing effects and abilities to assist the body and more.
When we allow ourselves to pursue a path of healing, it can affect our energy in many different ways. It can be a great means to achieving empowerment.