Spiritual Guidance

A Blog Series By:

Reiki Reverend, Ph.D.

I’ll be giving in-depth yet light-hearted spiritual guidance, spiritual counseling, and a way for you to enhance your spiritual awakening.

In this article, I’ll be exploring the Akashic Records in-depth to help answer some questions left by a student.

Recently, a student of mine presented me with a series of questions relating to the Akashic Records manual I sent to her.

Having thoroughly read the materials, she still had questions about accessing the Akashic Records and how to perform an Akashic Records Reading.

Instead of simply answering her privately, I felt that there were more people interested in understanding how this all works in a simpler fashion than explained in most books or courses.

Below, you’ll find her questions and my answers. I will make an honest effort to simply the Akashic Records in a way that would most benefit an aspiring student/practitioner.

If after reading this, you are interested in being certified to read the Akashic Records for yourself or others, simply follow “This Link.”

I’ve read the materials, but I’m still a bit confused as to how to access the Akashic Records, could you please explain?

The Akashic Records, or Akasha as it is sometimes called, is an energetic realm of energies more akin to thought and/or will. As loaded as that statement may seem, this is the simplest way I can explain it.

Energy, as we know, can be programmed with knowledge, will, or intent. The Akasha (Akashic Records) is that of the latter. Energy programmed with knowledge.

When we think of the records, one may perceive a hall of records like one commonly found in a library. This is perhaps the simplest way to relay an understanding of the Akashic Records, however, that would be pretty far from the root of how the Records could be understood.

Think of the Akashic Records much like you would Google or even a council of Elders who understand all that exists and/or will be. If you’re a comic book person, think of it much like Superman’s Kryptonian Crystal Cave of Solitude.

The knowledge is inherent in the energy that exists within that realm (kind of like how the crystals hold all of that knowledge on Krypton/the Universe).

When we access the Akasha, we are most simply communing with those energies and reading that energy like we would read a person’s aura or the tarot/oracle. The rest is up to your perception or intuition.

With knowing this, learning how to access the Akashic Records is as simple as a conscious intention or will to do so. Kind of like calling a friend or simply navigating your browser to Google.

However, much like navigating with your chosen browser to perform your search, you will likely want to ensure the best experience possible. This is performed in best practice by calling in protection and learning a safe way to connect to and acknowledge the energies.

In the materials I send to my students on the Akashic Records, there are a few different ways that are given in good faith to help promote the best experience possible.

When in doubt, prayers to the Angelic Realm or even to your ancestors can be very powerful in helping to ensure that your experience in reading the Records is ‘pure,’ or without negative/harmful influences.

Meaning you can connect to the Akashic Records directly, and not inhibited or influenced by harmful outside forces. Much like how your browser can leave you with harmful data that could damage your computer, the wrong types of connection to this realm may prove harmful to your energetic field or aura.

How do you interpret the Akashic Records?

First, let me say that how I choose to read the records may vary from how others choose. That being said, there isn’t one particular way to engage the records that will work for everyone.

When I first learned about the Akasha, I was a young teenager looking for answers. I thought that the Akashic Records was just a huge library full of knowledge and so when I tried to will my way in by meditation or astral projection, the results weren’t very engaging or even comforting.

It wouldn’t be until I had my first informal lessons from the great content provided by Linda Howe that I learned that many of my preconceptions were misplaced.

The Records, as I mentioned earlier is a vast network of knowledge stored in varying frequencies of energy.

Simply put, you’ll most likely be able to read or interpret this energy based on the frequencies you carried upon entering. In the materials I provide, there are details to help facilitate a safe and clear channel for the Akasha.

By facilitating a good channel, you may enter the Records with a clearer mindset and a higher vibration to receive the best information possible to assist either you or your client.

In terms of reading the information itself, think of it similarly to reading the Tarot/Oracle or interpreting an intuitive channel.

You’ll begin to receive the data in varying ways, such as visions, sensations/feelings, voices, or images.

This data will likely flow in a way that is easiest for you to interpret. Meaning, a way that you may have already been working with intuitive data.

For the uninitiated, this may seem daunting as you would likely have no clear scope to frame your readings. Give it time, the information may seem overwhelming at first, but with the proper technique and experience, you will soon find it much easier to read.

“How do you give an Akashic Records Reading to yourself or others?”

I like to think of my Akashic Records readings as simply as a tarot or energy reading. This way, I can keep a sense of consistency with my clients/querents, and I’m also able to frame the readings much easier.

Start first by clearing the space around you. Sage works well, so does prayer/positive intent.

Those who practice Reiki or a form of energy healing may have a particularly easy time with this step because of their training.

Clearing the space around your important to help remove negative or stagnant energies and raise the vibration of the space. This will make raising your vibration much easier and may even put the client/querent more at ease.

The second thing you will want to do is prepare yourself for the reading. Drinking a glass of water (Reiki optional) is a great way to clear yourself. Just be sure not to drink too much before a reading.

If water isn’t an immediate option, or if you feel that you’ll need to step away during a reading soon after drinking, simply take a few deep breaths and allow for any other pending engagements to fall away from your mind.

If you have too much going on consciously during a reading (i.e. appointments, etc) you may find yourself having a difficult time maintaining a clear channel.

Next, you may either create a sacred space, or simply call in protective spirits (angels, ancestors, etc), or anything that may help you and the client feel protected and at peace during the reading.

There may be some very heavy things that could come up for them, and even yourself. Feeling safe during this process is essential to allow you both to receive the information in a way that would be most beneficial.

Finally, you can use the materials provided for the course as a guide to begin your journey into the records.

Remember to keep a calm, meditative state during the course of the reading to help facilitate good reception.

When you have finished the reading, take a few deep breaths, thank the spirits who assisted you, and/or open your sacred space to ground.

How can I trust the information in an Akashic Records reading?

Remember, you would have likely done all you could to protect yourself and/or the person being read from any form of harm. This includes misleading or inaccurate information.

If you ever feel that the information you’re receiving is ‘off’ or inaccurate, then kindly ask the Records either verbally or through thought/intention to only give you information that resonates in full Love and Light, intended for the person’s highest good or growth.

Once you have done this, repeat your inquiry.

If you find yourself constantly receiving information like this or get a bad feeling, calmly close the channel, thank your guides/spirits for the help, and kindly inform your client (if you have one) that you may need to attempt at another time.

In most cases, this is the best practice as there may be factors contributing to the quality of the channel (either by you or the person being read) that must be attended to first.

The most important thing when performing an Akashic Records reading is that you conduct yourself in an honest, loving manner no matter what. Anything out of alignment with the highest good of the person being read should either be allowed to pass naturally, as may likely be the will of the Akash/higher self, or cleared with Love.

Do I need an attunement to enter the Akashic Records?

Attunements are available to those who feel that they may be needed, however, this is an optional complement to the course and is not wholly necessary for all.

Ask yourself or your guides and go with your own judgment. An attunement may help better align your perception to that of the Records, however, we are all constantly connected.

Am I able to use tools (such as the Tarot or auto-writing) when accessing the Akashic Records?

Yes, indefinitely. In fact, I would highly recommend that you use any tools that you may feel guided to work with when first accessing the Records.

The Tarot can help tremendously when finding a means to interpret certain bits of information, especially if you already work with the cards.

Auto-writing is a very simple way to quickly channel and retain that information for a client. Some clients even prefer written readings because they are most easily able to go back and read after the session.

I want to learn to commune with and access the Akashic Records without any extra medium (i.e. Tarot), how should I develop my skills to do that?

Practice makes perfect. There may come a time after a few readings (or many for some) where the channel just happens, and all you need to do is communicate with the client.

Let this moment happen naturally, and use whatever you feel guided to use until then. You’ll definitely notice a difference.

While these questions were in-part directed towards helping out a student, it is my sincere hope that I was able to help guide you a bit further on this amazing journey with the Akashic Records.

If you have an interest in receiving a “Written Akashic Records Reading”, or if you want to “Learn How To Read The Akashic Records” yourself, feel free to click the appropriate links or Contact Me.

If you have any more questions, or just want to talk about your experiences/tips with reading the Akashic Records, feel free to leave them below.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more articles like this 😀

Love and Light


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