Spiritual Guidance

A Blog Series By:

Reiki Reverend, Ph.D.

I’ll be giving in-depth yet light-hearted spiritual guidance, spiritual counseling, and ways for you to enrich your spiritual awakening.

In this article, I’ll be covering aspects of existence that are common, but less understood. The many facets of the whole referred to as Multidimensional Self.

Multidimensional Self – The Spiritual Split | Part 1

Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong ‘here?’ Have you ever felt as if you were not supposed to be in this relative place and time, but continued to exist for unknown reasons? Do you often have thoughts that are of yourself, but not quite what you really believe in or follow?

These are all common facets of a topic less known to most. The ‘split.’

In plain psychological terms, a ‘split’ occurs when one has received or perceives immense traumas or goes through a series of unfortunate events that their mind perceives as ineffable to their core logic, and thus must be categorized under a completely different or ‘new’ persona in order to cope and push forward. In many cases, this happens without the person’s prior understanding or will for such a thing to occur.

In this case, someone can go most of their lives in a relatively normal way or manner without much to do with the events or happening that originally caused the disturbance. In some cases, however, the healing journey of the mind will either manifest events or be triggered to perceive the altered persona or state of mind which can recall these events in one way, shape, or form. This can be very harmful to one’s state of wellness and being if trekked without proper aid and assistance.

Spiritually speaking, similar things can cause this to occur as well such as a rapid opening of the senses and perception of other worlds or timelines. What is most interesting is that more times than not, the very same stimuli that cause a psychological split can also cause a spiritual split as well. Let me explain in an example.

Enter Jimmy

Jimmy was a young boy of a fair demeanor. He never really put himself in harm’s way because he knew much better of the consequences from his family. He was mild in attitude but very wise for his age. Some would say that Jimmy would one day aspire to great things. That would be until one day Jimmy found himself experiencing a series of unfortunate events.

First, it would be him stepping in a pile of dog droppings on his way to school. This left him ill at ease because his mother had just bought him new shoes and he knows that she will be very unhappy that he didn’t pay closer attention to his step. This would lead him to have a very unbalanced day at school, so when the normal bully encounters Jimmy.

In most circumstances, Jimmy managed to avoid the bully because he never really took it upon himself to be a target. However, with the new smell in literal tow, the bully immediately honed in on Jimmy’s scent and furthermore his new shoes. Slightly extravagant as Jimmy was with his style, the bully proceeded to make grand gestures at how his smelly shoes would ruin his focus in class and their strong coloration would be of no help to this endeavor. Jimmy was highly embarrassed.

Normally, Jimmy would have stayed silent at the bully’s attempts to rouse fervor within him, however already perceiving his day to be less than ideal, he felt very confused with himself. Before he could collect his thoughts, the bully made a pass at his mother’s judgment of his footwear and Jimmy for the first time in his life experienced rage.

It would be a fair thing to mention at this point that such feelings were not foreign to Jimmy. He always thought ill of this bully for his actions, even occasionally seeing in his mind how badly he would pummel the bully should ever the just cause arise. Such thoughts never surfaced within Jimmy as they scared him, but this day was already quite different. This day would be the day when Jimmy finally lost his composure.

Jimmy clenched his fists in anger and lost consciousness. Something had taken over Jimmy to where he was no longer witness to his deeds or even his thoughts.

Soon after the teacher would manage to separate them, she noticed enough of the situation to call for Jimmy’s parents immediately and request emergency assistance for the now bleeding bully. By the time Jimmy would calm down and regain his sense of self, he was home and under high scrutiny by his parents. Namely, his Mom.

She yelled at him, screaming very close to his face, “I taught you better than this! You should know better! Now we have to explain to the police why you stabbed that poor boy with a pencil!”

Jimmy was in shock at this news, he was unable to cope with the situation between her yelling and the events that lead up to it. He began to cry, but his mother continued pressing on.

“How are we going to live in this neighborhood now? What are we going to do about this? You’ve embarrassed this house and yourself! All because of what?”

At this moment, she would finally smell what lead this day downhill. The now dried stains on Jimmy’s shoes would be all she would need in her assessment for her to lose herself as well. She began to experience rage. Jimmy that day, for the first time in his life, felt his mother’s red hand. That day, in when Jimmy, as he knew himself, would fade away to preserve all of the good he once knew of his mother before this moment. Locking it away deep as the unspeakable happened.

From that day on, Jimmy was no longer Jimmy, but an altered persona. The timeline in which he knew trauma such as this became his reality. “Jimmi” was now who walked among the world that had become too much for Jimmy.

Have you experienced something like this? Would you like to learn more about how to heal from these experiences and become ‘whole’ again?

Feel Free to Speak Your Truth in The Comments Below

Subscribe to my blog for Part 2 (coming soon), where I will also give you details on how to overcome these types of events and grow.

Following Part 2, I will be releasing a holistic service aimed at helping people accomplish this goal through healing and coaching.

I am not a psychologist, only a Holistic Health, Ph.D. If you are suffering in a way that would be harmful to yourself or others, I encourage you to see immediate medical assistance. I will not be offering any help outside of my qualifications.

Love and Light


1 Comment
  1. Kami 6 years ago

    I feel like I have had this happen to me so many times that I would need to choose one single incident to write about here.
    The first time I remember it happening was when I found out one of my best friends had been brutally murdered. I felt I lost myself when that happened. I wasn’t me anymore.
    I used my new identity to focus on helping find his killer. Suddenly that was all I ever thought about. In the process, my husband and I separated and later divorced.
    The effort paid off and we were able to get justice for my friend but I was never the same again after that. It changed how I see the world. I feel I made the best of a bad situation but it was still very traumatic. Since then, I have experienced a few more situations like this that have been traumatic but transformative at the same time.

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