A lot of people who are familiar with spiritual manifestation, otherwise known as The Law of Attraction.
It’s the spiritual law that states that like attracts like, and manifestation is all about the attitude of gratitude.

Now you probably think that I’m just going to come at this from an angle of saying, “Oh, just change your perception, and you’ll change your reality.” Guess again.

What I’m going to do instead is paint a picture that hopefully changes your perception, therefore changing your perception that your perception changes your reality.


Are you lost yet? Let me elaborate.

Say I’m the most positive person in the world. Upbeat, thrilled about everything around me. I live and breathe love, light, and warmth, hugging everyone I can, singing songs while I shower, picking flowers, hugging trees, etc.

You’ve seen this person almost everywhere you go believe it or not. They’re in the form of some of your professionals. There’s also another similar model of a person walking around wearing beat-up clothes, missing or bad teeth, no job, no fortune, and no look like they are ever going to aspire to anything in the world. Tell me, what’s wrong with this picture so far? I’ll get back to this in a bit, for now, let’s talk about polarity.

Polarity is an attraction factor. A part of the law that notably goes unchecked. Many of us view the world as bipolar; give/take, good/bad, high/low, but what about the middle road of complacency?

When we take a look at everything around us, are we as individuals truly complacent with our surroundings, or even our way of life? Are we THANKFUL for what we have and what we have been given? Why not?

What do we need to be thankful aside from what we already have? Are we not breathing, thinking, functioning through some marvel that is our existence?

Think About This For A Moment

When we wake up for our day, are we not waking up for our day? When we go to sleep, have we not completed another day? Considering all of these things, are we not also successfully moving through time and space at an unfathomable pace aside from our construct called space/time? So why not be thankful? Are these things not gifts in one way, shape or form?

We RECEIVE oxygen, and by the next breath, we are thankful that we continue to manifest more. I’m sure that plants are thankful for our gift of carbon monoxide. By the same matrix, our breath is their emanation of our manifestation for more life. They help us manifest.

Nature grants us our bounty. So we should be thankful right? This is that part that some understand in less than an optimal degree. The part of spiritual manifestation that so easily gets interpreted differently than how it could best work.

It’s simple, just be thankful for just being. Be in that moment of being for as long as your intention is out there, floating about in the universe, your intention for spiritual manifestation. There are no “don’ts or don’t have’s” in this conversation save for the recently mentioned. These things leave room for error, room for envy, room for lust. These things tend to get in the way of how things work.

Do we all use them at one point or another? I know I’m guilty, BUT I’M THANKFUL that I am mindful enough to see it and transform it. Transform those negatives (negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions), and we all have the possibility of being far more than what we may perceive ourselves to be.

Understanding this is easy, just allow. Same goes for the transformation process, just allow. Allow for things to be as they are in the time and place we have MANIFESTED and CREATED them to be in. Then just be, once again, once we accept things as they are, then we are capable of much much more.

Speaking Of More Is Only Part Of The Equation Of Manifesting More

When we pray to our higher power(s), or even when we speak our intentions, we are automatically calling the Universe into action, right then and there. The words or intentions have LEFT our mouths and been CAST out into the field to be carried out. To manifest exactly what we ask for, and when we ask for it.

Well, within the respective given that is Universal Time. There’s another part is also commonly missed. When we leave our intentions with the Universe to manifest, we’re more or less giving orders to the Universe to be carried out as we directly or indirectly intended.

Now sometimes, the Universe hears us, and it gets right to what we need. The Universe begins to form our manifestation of will and intent. Other times, the Universe will look at us like, “You want me to do WHAT? And you just EXPECT me to just HAND that over to you, just like that?”

These aren’t intended to be phrases of discouragement. These are more a call to action. A challenge, if you will. There is a time for speaking, and a time for doing. That is to say, there is a time for setting your spiritual intent, and a time for working towards your manifestation.

We are all wise enough to understand this already. Sometimes, we may be hesitant or ‘hard of hearing,’ when the Universe says these types of things to us. However, we understand that the feeling is always there. That ‘get up and go feeling.’ The feeling that we are in the right place, at the right time, to do what we are called to do.

It is completely our choice to acknowledge it or ignore it. When we acknowledge it, most commonly it can lead us to greater things. When we ignore it, most commonly it leads us to regret. There are rare cases though when acting against this instinct is exactly what we are called to do. Intuition is the best judge for these cases.

In the end, it’s our world to shape as we see fit. However, we must be willing to accept what will happen to our intentions when we do this. So, I call you all to action right now, with this painting I’ve just finished.

Be conscious of your perceptions.

Accept yourself, transforming any negatives into positive affirmations.

Finally, be thankful for that breath you just took to finish this blog.

I pray that the next one comes right on time,

Love and Light


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