Tenshi No Ki
Universal Angelic Healing Technique

Channeled and Developed by: Reiki Reverend


Tenshi No Ki is a channeled healing technique that was telepathically gifted to me by the angels during meditations following a series of healing attunements involving Angelic Reiki.

Some aspects of this technique were shown to me during my then frequent practice and meditations with energy healing.

Initially it manifested as my way to break-through my blockages with light and allow for them to work infinitely. My muse for such divine light came from the angels. Over time, I found myself beginning to form words that felt familiar in my mind.

I would work them into different elements of my practice at the time until eventually this desire to work with the Angels became more like a calling.

That calling grew every so often when a word, feeling, phrase, or even name triggered a thought to search for more information.

Eventually, I knew it was time to begin looking into courses like Angelic Reiki to help best align this strong will to shape these ‘parts’ into a way to practice Angelic Healing.

As for the energies experienced while channeling or receiving this technique, I would find them akin to the resplendent forces of light that I met and felt while working through the process of my Angelic Reiki attunement.

While these techniques may be learned and practiced without an attunement, it is recommended that you receive some level of attunement to the Angelic realm in some way to gain the maximum benefit from regular practice for either yourself or others.

These techniques were lovingly translated into Japanese out of personal respect for my core healing discipline, Reiki, as well as my own intuitive judgment as guided.

There are a total of five mantras within this technique. Each one building up from the energies of the last.

Tenshi no Ki is most useful when all of the mantras are channeled as a whole. While it is not necessary to chant these mantras verbally, working with them in meditation and practicing them will ensure your alignment to the proper vibrations.

As for you and the recipient, the energies channeled during Tenshi no Ki should only be used with healing intent or in a situation when energetic self defense is needed.

The more you allow for the initial mantras to charge your spirit, the more potent this technique can become.


I will briefly explain each mantra and some ways it can be useful. These are only personal experiences while working with this technique on myself and others. You may discover more during your time in working with this technique. If you do, I would love to hear about it.

You may experience a different feeling or sensation, other than what I describe, prior to channeling.

Simply allow for what resonates with you to become your truth and let the rest be with you in Unconditional Love and Unwavering Light.

Your faith and intention with this healing technique is the strongest component of the channel. Let your spirit be free when calling the Angels for help.

Tenshi No Ki Mantras

“Angelic aura, aid my journey.

Green Lotus Healer, holy flame burning.

Breath of the Angels, stale air cleansing.

Fates repaired and wounds now mending.

I call you now, I (or recipient) need your tending.

Gift of faith darkness unraveled, guide my way to ease my (or recipient’s) shadow.”

Tenshi No Ora

Tenshi No Ora means Angelic aura.

This mantra calls Archangel Astrea to wrap the practitioner in a beautiful layer of white light, highlighting all positive aspects of their persona, and transmuting all other aspects into light energy.

It can be used for protection from negative energies, as well as a way to focus on more positivity and healing from bad habits.

A comforting blanket of ‘warming’ light. It is what prepares the body to receive more angelic energy than normal.

Shiroi Hono

Shiroi Hono means White Flame.

This mantra channels Archangel Uriel’s fire in a cascading field of angelic flames, that may be used to serve a higher good.

This mantra by itself can be useful for transmuting something into a much higher vibration or into light. It can also be useful for banishing negative entities and protection. As for its healing properties, Shiroi Hono can be channeled to remove blockages, release boundaries, and purify the body of toxins.

Emerarudo Hasu

Emerarudo Hasu means Emerald Lotus.

Archangel Raphael may be called within as the revitalizing energies with the flower of the lotus, the ‘blessing’ or aura of the lotus that seeks to heal from the outside in, or even as the heavenly light of the lotus depending on the apparent need.

When channeled as a mantra, the energy flowing above the client is visualized as a lotus flower of varying petals, depending on the need of the person being healed or as intended by Archangel Raphael.

Each petal multiplies healing capabilities of each other petal, up to one thousand times.

Aside from its usage in energy healing, it is also useful for isolating and resolving blockage or any understanding of karmic debt. Allowing for resolutions of high vibration and healing closure.

Yorokobi Hasu

Yorokobi Hasu means Joyful Lotus.

This mantra functions similarly to the Emerald Lotus, however the primary intention behind this mantra is to enhance or expand the healing energy beyond all borders and barriers. This also includes those of time and space.

It can be channeled to heal from past traumas or events either in this life or previous.

As the Emerald Lotus works to heal the individual, the Joyful Lotus can be used to offer healing to all characters that inhibit an entire space as a whole.

I was gifted with knowledge of this mantra and its working by Archangel Metatron.

Tenshi No Hara

Tenshi No Hara represents the angelic ‘breathe’ or raw essence channel when in a union with the Angelic realm.

This air of captivating angelic light is naturally occurring as Tenshi No Ki is worked.

Used independently as a mantra during a time of need can call the angels to rapidly aid and assist on all levels.

As it appears as a massive boon of holy light, it  is capable of reaching much deeper levels to release withheld or withdrawn energies.

Tenshi No Hara when created naturally by your channel will simultaneously consecrate and bless your healing space in this cleaning light, creating a positive atmosphere for the recipient to complete the session in Love and Light.

Below, I have recorded a brief video with Tenshi No Ki so that you may experience its energies first-hand. While I speak this healing prayer in Japanese, you will find the energies similar when channeled in healing intention using the mantra above.

If you have any questions regarding this technique, being certified in Angelic Healing or Holistic Angel Therapy, or if you would like to experience Tenshi No Ki within a Distance Healing Session, please contact me and I would be happy to assist.

Blessings of Angelic Light Be With You




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