Universal Life “What?”

When we think of the term “Universal Life Force,” there are many different meanings and ideas that may come to mind.

A force that exists throughout the Universe, which promotes life, a form of energy that grants vitality, or simply a means to an end that just so happens to cultivate existence. These only scratch the surface of a vastly unique definition that has no singular truth.

In fact, it may be truly undefinable, yet commonly understood by all as a force that always works through our lives in ways we have yet to fully understand.

When we think about the Universe as a single term, its definition is quite simple. A vast expanse that encompasses our world, among many others, closely intertwined in one way or another.

Life is also simple to define as its own term, the very same with force. However, when these terms are combined it becomes far more difficult to develop a solid definition that could be commonly understood and recognized.

Let’s start with what we do know.

Since the beginning of time, this essence we refer to as energy/ki/chi/prana/holy spirit/holy ghost and others has been used to expand upon the lives of many.

Shamans, healers, and mystics have all used this energy to help others find various ways to assist in the recovery from illness, seek solace or comfort, and even more importantly develop insight into the needs of the individual as well as the whole.

We have also learned how to utilize and enhance this energy in other ways, such as disciplining the body, mind, and spirit for strength, vitality, and Zen.

This energy has been with us since our conception. We use it in all aspects imaginable in our everyday lives. It is with us when we wake up, go to work, eat, sleep, or even breathe. It is our vitality and structure, our way of life.

To honor this energy and care for our body is to strengthen it, granting many benefits as well as longevity. To dishonor it with unhealthy habits can cause a more adverse effect. The energy itself is pure and all-knowing, it will never harm us. It is only us as individuals who can cause harm, and it is always our choice.

Humanity as we know it as on the precipice of a major shift, but in the midst of this shift, we are still nowhere near perfection. It is through Reiki, or the understanding that comes with any form of healing practice, that we can better facilitate the movement of this shift and assist those in need to propel it forward.

Through the practice of an energy healing discipline, we allow ourselves to touch aspects of our divine nature and move towards a place of healing, comfort, and well-being for not just ourselves, but for any of the lives we touch.

From your family to your loved ones, your friends, and to your neighbors. This healing can come in various ways, shapes, and forms. We simply need to decide to bear witness to what occurs naturally in our everyday lives.

When we drink cold water when we’re thirsty, eat when we’re hungry, sleep when we’re tired, balance the chaos in our lives and around us with a form of order, or even simply help someone who’s fallen to rise. These are all examples of healing being done on a smaller scale.

The water revitalizes and refreshes our bodies, the same with the food and sleep. One can literally feel the difference when they do these things as needed. We begin to feel much better about not only our physical state but our minds and spirits as well.

These elements are the building blocks to understanding how we are constantly performing healing in our daily lives. The big changes occur because we subconsciously recognize and allow for these building blocks to aid and assist in whatever way is necessary without ever worrying about the results. This understanding is one of the key foundations in Reiki and many other types of energy healing.

The foundation of which breeds an understanding of how to best facilitate the flow of energy within the body.

How do you personally define Universal Life Force?

What are some ways that you work with Universal Life Force that you would encourage others to try?

Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe.

Love and Light

  1. […] believe that divination is a way to connect with our minds, our omnipotent soul connected to the Universal Life Force. Where do you fall in this […]

    • Author
      Reiki Reverend 2 years ago

      I agree, divination can become a bridge in ways. A means for us to make contact subtly with the invisible forces around us, and receive its knowledge as a mirror within the cards.

      Less esoterically, divination can help us connect to all beings (universal and beyond) in a way that bypasses conscious channeling or thought. To connect with another source in this way, we may also gain insights to their awareness. From the perspective of the Universal Life Force, acknowledgement of its will and wisdom as a conscious force within and outside of each of us.

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